Is your Child Feeling Stressed, Anxious, or Fatigued? Maybe It’s Poor Gut Health

Why is your child feeling stressed or anxious? We all know that children are more stressed-out than ever. Schoolwork, family obligations, and other outside factors may seem like the likely culprit. When in fact, sometimes it could be our gut imbalances that ramp up our stomach issues. It leads to inflammation that causes psychological problems like anxiety, behavioral problems, and even sleep problems. 

Kids face a lot. New rules and regulations in the school and stress factors like peer pressure are at an all-time high. But where do you turn? The conventional pediatrician approach to childhood stress and anxiety is to just tell them to relax, to meditate, or take medications like antidepressants and controlled substances. 

But what if your child’s chronic anxiety is due to stress or even underlying biological conditions such as poor gut health? It may surprise you to learn that your child’s gut health might be what’s contributing to their stress. Behavioral issues of sleep problems, too. Have you discussed that with your pediatrician previously? If so, do you feel they listened? Would they listen? 

If your answer is “No,” then you’re not alone. Most Western-trained pediatricians have received very little training in childhood issues like chronic stress, which could present with a range of physical signs such as blood sugar imbalances, and hidden infections, and gastrointestinal infections. These can then lead to leaky gut, further disrupting their body’s balance. The excessive, unnatural stress this causes can present as digestion trouble and frequent stomach aches.

In a pediatric virtual consultation, I’ll discuss all these factors with you and present a range of options based on natural and holistic approaches to help them get to the root cause and treat their problems safely and effectively. 

This can include proven therapies like probiotics and high-grade nutritional products which avoid the negative side effects or toxic ingredients of traditional prescription medications. There are so many natural remedies for things like stress and anxiety that can heal your gut lining and the other physical factors of childhood stress that conventional medicine doctors often miss in their approach. They might tell you to give your child more fruits and vegetables and although this can be helpful, food sensitivities and digestive problems can complicate the picture, making it hard to choose what’s right for your child.

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o help you get started on your health journey, I have created a video series: It contains tips about what to do to get started on your journey to healing your child’s behavioral and wellness issues and busts a few myths about chronic illnesses. Simply click here to download the interactive guide!