Alternatives to Prescription Medication

Many pediatricians recommend prescription medications for children. It can leave parents sometimes feeling apprehensive, thinking that medication is their only option. They’re worried because they’ve suffered negative side effects from medications and don’t want this experience for their children. In this video, I’ll talk about alternative treatments to your children’s prescription medications.

The good news is that alternatives are available. Moreover, prescription medications are not going to fix the issue. It can make matters worse if doctors rush a diagnosis or prefer a quick fix. 

The conventional medicine approach is that children’s medications, in some cases, may be necessary. But in many cases, they are just prescribed to treat a symptom without giving thought to the underlying reason why the child is struggling in the first place. I wrote “Natural Solutions for Your Child and Family” was to offer parents alternatives with natural and plant-based solutions. 

Often, parents take children to the pediatrician because they’re getting frequent ear infections, colds, or tummy aches. Maybe even have ADD, ADHD, and hyperactivity symptoms are having trouble at school. The doctor prescribes the prescription medications but cannot tell the parent why the child is suffering and the underlying root cause of their problems. 

Childhood health and behavioral issues can be connected and complex. It means they have to be approached from a whole body, mind, spirit, and environmental approach. It is called holistic medicine, and it’s the kind of solution offered here at Dr. Ruth’s, along with compassion and regard for how hard it is to be a parent.

When children are growing, their systems are delicate and thrive with balance. Few children can be on prescription medication, particularly long term, without upsetting a balanced and potentially altering that child’s growth trajectory for a lifetime.  So when parents come to me with these issues, the first thing I do is work with the parents and do a thorough evaluation intake that includes testing to understand all the aspects of the child’s health and what could be impacting their illness. It includes nutrition evaluation, sleep, the level of potential toxins in their environment, and even their emotional health.

So as a pediatrician and mother of two, I understand what you’re going through after I struggled with prescription and the eventual discovery that I could use food and high-quality nutritional products as front-line medicine taken alone or with an appropriate prescription.

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o help you get started on your health journey, I have created a video series: It contains tips about what to do to get started on your journey to healing your child’s behavioral and wellness issues and busts a few myths about chronic illnesses. Simply click here to download the interactive guide!